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Join Our Referral Network

Working with lawyers and adjusters to best benefit clients throughout the Southeast and Midwest

With more than three decades of combined experience, the attorneys at McWherter Scott & Bobbitt have become widely known in Tennessee for our skill, knowledge, and tenacity. We attribute this reputation to not only our hard work, but also our willingness and ability to collaborate with our peers. These associations have made our firm what is today, and we appreciate the relationships. We invite you to be a part of our community by joining forces with us to assist policyholders. Most lawyers do not practice in this area of law and, in those situations, we are happy to work with firms throughout the state as co-counsel when needed. We have the skills and resources necessary to handle complex litigation matters that other firms may not be well-suited to handle.

We accept referrals from both adjusters and attorneys, provided there are no conflicts of interests or any ethical reasons why we can’t take the case. Please do not hesitate to contact us today if you are interested in becoming a part of our referral network.

Handling many types of insurance related legal issues

Our Tennessee-based lawyers are prepared to bring their experience to the table in a variety of areas. We represent policyholders with property damage, contents damage, business interruption damage, and other related losses.

While not an exhaustive list, our team is ready to assist policyholders in the following situations:

  • Disputes involving exclusions and policy provisions;
  • When the insurance adjuster for the insurance company is not acting in good faith;
  • Claims involving business interruption losses;
  • Claims with multiple claimants, multiple owners, multiple insurance policies; and
  • Any other reasons that indicate a referral would be in the best interest of the insured.

Our team of dedicated insurance dispute lawyers are focused on resolving our clients’ legal problems and look forward to the opportunity to work with other talented attorneys and adjusters in Tennessee. By working together, we can combine our individual skills to obtain positive solutions for our clients.

Referral guidelines for adjusters

We work with public adjusters every day and we appreciate all the hard work they do on behalf of policyholders. At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we respect that you work hard to develop your client base and to fight to get them the best results possible. We understand that when you recommend our law firm, you are placing your trust in us that we will work to obtain the best result possible.

We understand that our representation of your client reflects on you. We are here to help – but we are not here to take you clients. They will be sent back to your experienced hands when the case is resolved.

When a case is referred to us by a public adjuster, we:

  • Decide as quickly as possible whether we will accept the case; and
  • We keep you informed of the progress of the insured’s claim in accordance with the requirements of our Rules of Professional Conduct.

We appreciate every referral that comes to us. Mostly, we want you and your client to feel confident that they made the correct choice in recommending us.

Referral guidelines for attorneys

At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we enjoy working with our colleagues among the bar. We also know how to “stay in our lane” and, at the end of each case, we want you to know that we intend to send your clients right back to your capable hands. We’re here to help policyholders with insurance problems, not steal your clients. We will work to find a mutually beneficial referral fee based on each individual case and the amount of involvement that you wish to have in the matter and consistent with our Rules of Professional Conduct.

We appreciate every referral that comes to us, and we thank you for trusting us. Mostly, we want you to feel confident that you made the correct choice in recommending us.

Looking for the right partner? Contact McWherter Scott & Bobbitt to learn more

For adjusters or attorneys looking to refer clients or who need extra counsel on a case, rely on the experience of McWherter Scott & Bobbitt. We are uniquely qualified to handle cases throughout the Southeast and Midwest. Call us or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. Our attorneys are licensed in Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas and Kentucky.