Louisville Kentucky Earthquake Insurance Dispute Lawyers

Louisville, Kentucky Earthquake Insurance Dispute Lawyers

Helping Kentucky earthquake victims obtain all the insurance proceeds they paid for

When earthquakes strike, the structural damage to your home or office building is likely to be quite extensive. You’ll likely need immediate assistance from your insurance carrier to evaluate the damage and relocate. At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we help policyholders recoup their losses. The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) and the Kentucky emergency agencies may provide additional benefits. When more is required, our Kentucky earthquake insurance dispute lawyers are here to assist with obtaining advance payments and negotiating settlements for all your damages including hidden damage. When necessary, we’re ready to hold insurance carriers accountable in court.


Considerable Legal Skills
"I also want to share with you that because of the completeness of your preparation, your considerable legal skills and your force of character(s), I have no doubt that had we found it necessary to go to trial – we would have won the day."

Mary McNally

Considerable Legal Skills
"I also want to share with you that because of the completeness of your preparation, your considerable legal skills and your force of character(s), I have no doubt that had we found it necessary to go to trial – we would have won the day."

Mary McNally

How is the severity of an earthquake measured in Kentucky?

The US Geological Survey (USGS) states that “An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.” The location below the earth where the earthquake begins is called the hypocenter. The location above the earth where the earthquake begins is called the epicenter. The fault or fault plane is where the slip occurs.

The USGS uses seismographs to measure the size and severity of earthquakes. The USGS measures earthquakes in magnitudes. The USGS doesn’t use the Richter scale anymore.

Do earthquakes happen in Kentucky?

While Kentucky isn’t known for having as many earthquakes as other states, they can happen anywhere. According to the Courier Journal, “parts of western Kentucky are located in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, the most active seismic zone nationally.” Volcano Discovery reports that in the 30 days prior to April 17, 2024, “Kentucky has had 13 quakes of magnitudes up to 2.8. The strongest earthquake (of 5.2 magnitude) in Kentucky occurred around 1981. A 3.03 magnitude earthquake occurred east of Louisville on May 30, 2023.

What damages are covered by earthquake insurance in Kentucky?

It's not just the initial earthquake that can cause property damage. Most earthquakes are followed by one or more aftershocks that can also destroy homes and other property. Our Kentucky earthquake insurance claims lawyers seek compensation for all your damages which may include:

  • Your home. We work with professional inspectors to determine the full extent of damage to your home, including hidden damage. We then work to determine whether your home can be repaired, if you can rebuild it, or if you need to find a new permanent place to live.
  • An office building. Whatever type of business you operate – industrial, commercial, or a nonprofit service; earthquakes can destroy the buildings where you make products, sell your inventory, or provide services. Like home damage, we’ll work to determine what needs to be done to make your property whole.
  • Any attached structures. These items may include garages, offices, and other structures.
  • Any non-attached structures. These items may include sheds, storage facilities, carports, pump houses, and unattached garages.
  • Personal possessions (“contents”). Earthquake insurance victims may also be able to claim the value of their appliances, furniture, carpets, computer equipment, and other personal property, that are damaged as a result of an earthquake.
  • Temporary living or working expenses. While your home or business is being rebuilt or repaired, your earthquake insurance policy may pay for a new place to live or work along with additional necessary expenses such as meals and laundry.

What damages are typically not covered by earthquake insurance?

Earthquake insurance normally does not cover:

  • Underground structures such as drains, pipes, and cables
  • Fences and exterior masonry
  • Landscaping
  • Water supply systems such as wells, irrigation systems, and sprinklers
  • Computer data and physical records (you should back your critical information to the cloud)
  • Patio coverings
  • Satellite dishes and antennas
  • Animals
  • Vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles
  • Swimming pools and hot tubs
  • Watercraft
  • Other items

Our Kentucky insurance dispute lawyers will review your policy to determine exactly what’s covered and what’s not covered.

What steps should I take if an earthquake strikes Kentucky?

The immediate steps include:

  • Listening to federal and Kentucky officials for information about what you should do.
  • Understanding that earthquake aftershocks are likely.
  • Examining appliances and utility lines. Gas leaks can be dangerous and even deadly. If you smell gas, turn off the main gas valve and open the windows. If the electric power goes off, take steps to prevent a power surge. Speak with your local gas and electricity companies if you have any questions.
  • Boarding up broken windows to prevent theft.

Make plans to live and work at a different location if local government officials recommend you leave your home and/or if repairs are necessary. Keep receipts for all your expenses while you’re away from home. Your earthquake insurance carriers may advance funds for your temporary living costs.

How do your Kentucky insurance claim lawyers handle disputes involving earthquakes?

At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we have the experience and professional relationships to fight for earthquake damage victims in the following ways. Our Kentucky earthquake insurance claim lawyers:

  • Read through all the fine print in your insurance policy to determine what coverage you have, the steps you need to take to protect your claim, and when and how you should file your claim.
  • Work with building inspectors, home appraisers, engineers, property appraisers, and other professionals to examine your property for visible and hidden damages and to determine the value of your damages. These professionals will examine your home’s foundation, the ground, the utilities, and all other engineering and architectural systems that need to be inspected.
  • Determine whether repairs are possible or whether your property should be declared a total loss so that it can be rebuilt or replaced.
  • Determine the timeline to reconstruct your home or commercial property – or obtain comparable property.
  • Assess how much money you will need to repair your property, rebuild your property in its present location, or purchase new comparable property.
  • Assess the value of the damage to all your other real and personal property.
  • Respond to and counter any insurance carrier positions that that your damage isn’t covered.
  • Contest any insurance company’s efforts to limit or reduce your damage claim.

If you have business interruption coverage, our Kentucky insurance dispute lawyers work to show what damage the earthquake caused to your ability to run your business. Business interruption losses include lost profits, payroll costs, marketing costs (including notifying all your customers, clients, and business contacts about the earthquake), fixed expenses, and other business expenses.

We pay attention to every small detail. You need to explain every loss and the value of the loss to make a full recovery.

Do you have a Kentucky earthquake insurance dispute lawyer near me?

Our office is located at 2950 Breckenridge Ln, Suite 13-200, in Louisville. We consult with policyholders by phone and through video.

At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we’ll address all your concerns, help you determine all your losses, and fight for the full amount of insurance proceeds you deserve.

Get help from our Kentucky earthquake claim dispute lawyers today

Earthquakes, while rare, can cause catastrophic damage when they occur. Our Kentucky earthquake claim dispute lawyers will calmly and clearly guide you through the claims process so you can resume your life as quickly as possible. At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we have a network of relationships with natural disaster professionals. We’re skilled at obtaining the advance payments you need and the full compensation you deserve. We’re skilled at negotiating with insurance carriers, arguing before arbitrators, and litigating your claim in court. We’ve obtained numerous million-dollar-plus recoveries. To discuss your Kentucky earthquake claim, please call us or complete our contact form today to schedule a consultation.