Louisville Kentucky Tornado Insurance Dispute Lawyers

Louisville, Kentucky Tornado Insurance Dispute Lawyers

Helping Kentucky homeowners and commercial property owners when tornadoes cause damage

The geographic pattern of tornadoes has changed drastically over the past few years, and Kentucky is seeing an increased number of these storms. At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we’re skilled at obtaining the insurance proceeds you need and deserve (because you paid your premiums) to start over. Our Kentucky tornado damage lawyers have the experience and working relationships to help you relocate while your property is being rebuilt. We’ve helped policyholders obtain more than $100 million in settlements and awards. We want to help you, too.


Considerable Legal Skills
"I also want to share with you that because of the completeness of your preparation, your considerable legal skills and your force of character(s), I have no doubt that had we found it necessary to go to trial – we would have won the day."

Mary McNally

Considerable Legal Skills
"I also want to share with you that because of the completeness of your preparation, your considerable legal skills and your force of character(s), I have no doubt that had we found it necessary to go to trial – we would have won the day."

Mary McNally

How are tornadoes formed?

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education states that tornadoes require a unique combination of winds and spinning air near the ground.

Gusts of warmer air rise and gusts of cooler air sink as they blow across the land. If there are enough rising and sinking gusts, the air near the ground starts spinning…. The rotating air moves horizontally across the ground, and can be tilted vertically by the force of the rising, rotating air. This allows a tornado to form.

Most tornadoes in Kentucky happen during the cooler months of the year.

As recently as April 2, 2024, eight EF-1 tornadoes, according to the National Weather Service, struck the Kentucky/Indiana region. AP News reported a year earlier that three EF-1 tornadoes struck the Pleasure Ridge Park and Newburg sections of Louisville, Kentucky, and another tornado with 110 mph wins landed in nearby Mead County. One person was killed. The storm “toppled trees onto houses, ripped down power lines, and tore the roof off an apartment building.”

How are tornadoes classified?

National Geographic states that tornadoes are categorized using an “Enhanced Fujita Scale.” This scale uses the wreckage to determine the tornado’s severity.

  • EF-0. Wind gusts are estimated between 65 and 85 miles per hour. “The environment sustained minor damage: tree branches are broken, some shallow-rooted trees are uprooted, and some chimneys are damaged.”
  • EF-1. Wind gusts are estimated between 86 and 110 miles per hour. “The environment sustained moderate damage: mobile homes are tipped over, windows are broken, roof tiles may be blown off, and some tree trunks have snapped.”
  • EF-2. Wind gusts are estimated between 111 and 135 miles per hour. “The environment sustained considerable damage: mobile homes are destroyed, roofs are damaged, debris flies in the air, and large trees are snapped or uprooted.”
  • EF-3. Wind gusts are estimated between 136 and 165 miles per hour. “The environment sustained severe damage: roofs and walls are ripped off buildings, small buildings are destroyed, and most trees are uprooted.”
  • EF-4. Wind gusts are estimated between 166 and 200 miles per hour. “The environment sustained devastating damage: well-built homes are destroyed, buildings are lifted off their foundations, cars are blown away, and large debris flies in the air.”
  • EF-5. Winds of over 200 miles per hour are present. “The environment sustained incredible damage: well-built homes are lifted from their foundations, reinforced concrete buildings are damaged, the bark is stripped from trees, and car-sized debris flies through the air.”

What types of damage do tornadoes cause in Kentucky?

Even a low-category tornado can quickly destroy homes, apartments, condominiums, commercial property, churches, and other buildings. A strong tornado is likely to cause so much damage that your home and other property, as well as foundation, need to be completely rebuilt.

If your home/building can be saved, the repairs will likely include fixing damage to:

  • Roofs, shingles, chimneys, and siding
  • The ceilings, floors, and walls
  • The doors, windows, screens, and shutters
  • The electricity, plumbing, HVAC, and telecommunications
  • The exterior, driveways, garages, landscaping, pools, and unattached structures

Remember that tornadoes are born in thunderstorms. Aside from the tremendous damage from the winds, there can also be extensive water-related damage if the storm moves more slowly.

Why Kentucky tornadoes may be more severe than those in the plains

CNN Weather states that heavy forests in our region can make tornadoes more deadly, as those trees become projectiles. Further, “tornadoes in the South tend to stay on the ground longer and move faster. Many storms across the Southern states are pushed by a stronger jet stream, which results in faster-moving storms.”

Many of the tornadoes in this part of the Southeast happen at night, which means less time for people to get to safety. If you live in a home without a basement or cellar, there’s a greater risk of suffering serious injury or death if a tornado comes through.

How do your Kentucky tornado insurance lawyers help policyholders?

Our accomplished Kentucky tornado insurance claims lawyers advise policyholders during every stage of their claim. We can assist with:

  • The immediate emergency requirements. We’ll:
    • Explain how you can secure your property from further damage.
    • Help you notify your insurance company that you have a claim for tornado damage.
    • Discuss how you should document (photos, inventories, and other methods) the tornado damage to your home, commercial building, and other structures – and your personal possessions.
    • Arrange for advances so you can live in and work in a new location. We recommend that you keep receipts for all your temporary expenses including lodging, meals, and necessities.
  • Valuation. Our attorneys can help with:
    • Property damage. The bulk of your tornado damage claim includes assessing whether your home or business location can be repaired, whether it can be rebuilt, or whether you’ll need to permanently move. If your property can be repaired or rebuilt, we’ll review:
      • The specific work that needs to be done.
      • The timeline for the work.
      • The materials that will be used.
      • The cost for the repairs or the rebuilding of your property.
    • Damage to your personal possessions. We work to obtain the replacement value (which is likely to be higher) instead of the actual cash value.
      • Business interruption damage. Our lawyers work with you and financial professionals to identify and value all your business damages including the need to continue to pay payroll, fixed overhead, marketing, IT, and other expenses.
    • The claims process. Our Kentucky insurance dispute lawyers have the experience and resources to verify that your damages were caused by a tornado, identify your damages, and value your damages. We’re ready to counter the arguments insurance companies will make to try to deny or reduce your claim. We hold insurance companies accountable for taking unwarranted positions, improper delays, and other bad-faith negotiation tactics.
    • The litigation process. Our insurance loss lawyers are skilled at negotiating insurance claims and trying your case before arbitration panels, mediators, and in court.

In one illustrative tornado damage case, we obtained $800,000 for a couple after their insurance company denied their commercial insurance claim.

Do you have a Kentucky tornado damage claim lawyer near me?

Our office is located at 2950 Breckenridge Ln, Suite 13-200 in Louisville. We consult with policyholders by phone and through video conferences. When necessary, we’ll meet you at your property to survey the damage.

At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we’ll explain your rights and seek full compensation for your damages.

Talk with our accomplished Kentucky tornado insurance claim lawyers now

It’s natural to be scared. Tornadoes can rip through your home in seconds. You need money now to relocate. You need an advocate you can trust to assess whether you can save your property or need to rebuild it. The insurance proceeds you receive should restore your property as it was before the tornado struck – usually better because newer and better quality parts should be used. At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we’re ready to negotiate and litigate your claim so you receive all the coverage payments you deserve. To schedule an appointment with a Kentucky tornado insurance dispute lawyer, please call us or fill out our contact form. Proudly serving clients throughout the Southeast.